Kym- Thanks so much for sharing this. I particularly love your poem here: "I turn away

to take out my camera. They feel too important and too beautiful to miss." It is so stunning. And very on-point. I hope you had a chance to recapture the 'too beautiful' recently?

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It's so lovely to meet you this afternoon, Kym. I always find it interesting that some of the best writing I'll ever do was in the middle of the night when sleep was nowhere to be found...

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Beautiful words and photos, Kym!!

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The poem is so lovely. The end kind of caught me off guard, and I really like how it circles back to the title with a kind of hopeful sadness (though I don’t know if sadness is the right word).

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Kym, this is beautiful! Thank you for your kind words. But, wow, I love what has been percolating quietly in the dark. Keep going!! 💛💛

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